ERWEKA at CIPM Exhibition Chengdu China

    ERWEKA took part at China International Pharmaceutical Machinery Exposition in Chengdu.


    Happy Halloween!

    Happy Halloween to everyone!

    This year ERWEKA celebrates the day of scary and lots of pumpkins with our brand new SVM II Tapped density tester!


    ERWEKA на VI Всероссийской GMP-конференции

    В Санкт-Петербурге 22-25 сентября 2021 года прошла Всероссийская GMP-конференция. Данное мероприятие ежегодно собирает ведущих экспертов в области Надлежащих производственных практик (GMP) и менеджмента качества, а также зарубежные регуляторные агентства и фармацевтические компании.


    Please donate for employee

    Hello, my name is Claudia Mueller, I am the CEO of Erweka GmbH in Germany, and I ask for donation towards my employee Frederik Bourtscheid and his family, who live in Ahrweiler. Ahrweiler was totally flooded last week, and Frederiks cellar was totally under water and the ground floor too. Everything gone by the flood, Kitchen, furniture, household utitilities, living room - everything is destroyed!


    Release of the new ERWEKA SVM II Tapped Density Tester

    We are proud to announce the release of the next generation 5-in-1 tapped density tester SVM II.
    With its new features such as the innovative SwitchPlate system, a modern user interface and the intelligent testing assistant TestAssist, the SVM II is the most advanced tapped density tester on the market.


    Академия ERWEKA

    Академия ERWEKA – это наша образовательная онлайн платформа, на которой собраны все полностью оцифрованные мастер-классы и обучающие видео.
